JetCat P300 Pro View larger

JetCat P300 Pro

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JetCat P300-Pro

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3 780,17 €

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Jet-Cat P300 Pro

Deze voor de industie ontwikkelde turbine heeft een starter/ generator en voorziet van zijn eigen stroom voorziening met accu , kan van een Bleed air aftak met terugslag kleo van de compressoir worden voorzien.

This turbine is designed for industrial purposes

This single shaft Turbine is equiped with a radial compressor ,diffuser , combution chamber , turbine and Exhaust nozzle.

RXG will say, digital controlled with intergated fuel valve , intergrated power bus for a single connection to  ECU V10.0 , only one connection for the fuel line , intergrated Kero start and a starter /generator which give electrical power when running.

External the Fuel pump ,ECU and Lipo battery.

Technical data :

Iddle RPM:                            35.000 R/min

Max. RPM                           106.000 R/min

Iddle Thrust                                  14 N

Max Thrust                                 300 N

Exhaust tempertur              480-750 Celsius

Pressure rate                            3,55  

Mass stream                               0,5 kg /sec

Jet blast speed                        2160 km/h

Jet performance                          90 KW

Fuel consumption at max RPM  980 ml /min

Fuel consuption at iddle RPM     179 ml/min

SFC@ max RPM                     0,157  Kg/Nh

Weight incl valve and starter    2.630 gram

Outer diameter                         132 mm

Length                                      365 mm

Fuel J-A1 or parfine with 5% turbine oil Aero Shell 500 or BP 2380

3 years waranty

The complete set comes with : Turbine , ECU V 10.0  ,GSU V2 ,fuel pump ,engine mount .Lipo battery , Led interface print ,valves , fuel lines with festo connectors , electro cable and instruction manual

Price on request

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